Why did God give us agility If not to evade responsibility

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Mindboggling Problem

If you have five rupees and you need a chocolate, a pen and a pencil what would you choose. If pen SMS ECO A to 26868045 if pencil SMS ECO B to 27554150 if chocolate then SMS ECO C to 26175461.

PS: The number are deliberately not mobile nos. I guess the 'smarter ones' would get it...


Blogger Unknown said...

hey why not 26263643 ?
or say, 24209211

Thu Jan 05, 01:43:00 pm

Blogger abhijit_das said...

hey why not 26264343 or 22155461
btw anant i did not give u the permission to publish my telephone number...

Thu Jan 05, 05:24:00 pm

Blogger ishaan said...

pencil so that i can poke you with it

Thu Jan 05, 06:29:00 pm

Blogger abhijit_das said...

bloody plagiarist i just found this exact post in the 73rd page of the most pathetically disgusting, mentally distressing, morally debilitating, presposterously hopeless book that my noble study contains...

Fri Jan 06, 06:30:00 pm

Blogger Bharat said...

well abhijit, he's just trying to teach us the fine art of economic decision-making.

Sat Jan 07, 01:20:00 pm

Blogger ishaan said...

hes not teaching hes making us practice

Sat Jan 07, 08:48:00 pm

Blogger Tejas said...

The verdict according to the text is that Chocolate would provide you maximum satisfaction, but pen would provide you maximum satisfaction at that point as it would help you do your HW?

Isn't it wrong, shouldn't it be the other way around.

Sat Jan 07, 11:38:00 pm

Blogger Tejas said...

And Allasani Peddana wrote Manucharita while Dhurjati wrote Kalahasti Mahatamya.

Sat Jan 07, 11:40:00 pm

Blogger ishaan said...

and jk rowling wrote the rabbit

Sun Jan 08, 04:38:00 pm

Blogger vansh said...

and akaash wrote kaleidoscope.

Thu Jan 12, 05:19:00 pm

Blogger abhijit_das said...

and i wrote this comment

Fri Jan 13, 02:35:00 pm

Blogger ishaan said...

hey guys check out http://www.the9aexunclub.blogspot.com and read the post on mindboggling problem

Fri Jan 13, 10:51:00 pm


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