Why did God give us agility If not to evade responsibility

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Wishing Publicly

To: 2 of the best people I have ever met.

Happy Birthday to both Tejas and Abhijit.
Hope you guys had a blast and all your wishes came true.
Best of luck for everything or (nothing) ;)

Many happy returns of the day.


Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Birthday dudes

Wed Dec 14, 09:09:00 pm

Blogger Rijul said...

Happy Birthday to you.

Wed Dec 14, 09:52:00 pm

Blogger Rijul said...

Well it kinda suprise me.

one failed in Nursery class and the other was thrown out on the first day.

Wed Dec 14, 09:53:00 pm

Blogger Rohit said...

Happy birthday dudes..

Thu Dec 15, 06:57:00 am

Blogger Bharat said...

happy birthday guys...
rijul, u gotta be kiddin me! which one's which?

Thu Dec 15, 05:05:00 pm

Blogger abhijit_das said...

NO one could throw me out of the class,even back in nursery, so i can proudly say i threw a tantrum and skipped school in nursery.
Tejas however was caught pulling the hair of the girl who sat next to her on the first day and was thrown out.....

Thu Dec 15, 06:08:00 pm

Blogger Manas said...

Somebody had a sumthing for girls. ;-)

Thu Dec 15, 07:18:00 pm

Blogger Unknown said...


Fri Dec 16, 11:58:00 am

Blogger Tejas said...

Hey you don't throw out people for pulling hair. Otherwise none of you would have been left in the school. And that is any day better than being rejected in nursery interview due to inability to answer what your name is. Eh, listening Abhijit?

Fri Dec 16, 03:05:00 pm

Blogger abhijit_das said...

Saste log sasti baatein...

Sat Dec 17, 11:10:00 am

Blogger abhijit_das said...

And by the way Tejas you would do well to realise that pulling the hair of girls is not the favourite pass time of MOST individuals...

Sat Dec 17, 11:12:00 am

Blogger abhijit_das said...

Tejas i think you forgot, inadvertently i am sure, to use hindi while authoring comments from your alias "aloo chatwati heylalita".
Do please remember to continue with your earlier protocol...

Sat Dec 17, 05:53:00 pm


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