Why did God give us agility If not to evade responsibility

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Tejas's Theory as to what Happened to the Dinosaurs

Well, now as you might (or might not) know, a giant asteroid hit the Earth (near Mexico) about 65 million years ago and that directly as well as indirectly brought about an end to the dinosaurs' reign. Well, this theory is merely a fragment of teh author's unstable mind and has no scientific basis except that it seems logical to the author.

Now as the asteroid struck the earth with force equivalent to many thousand times the power of the Hiroshima Nagasaki bombings, I believe a large explosion must have took place instantly wiping clean hundreds of kilometers around the epicenter. You can only imagine the amount of dust that might have been released into the atmosphere on an explosion such as this.

These dust particles being very enormous in number must have taken months to settle back down. This must have blocked the rays of the sun from reaching the earth. A direct consequence of this must have been a fall in temperatures across the globe, maybe to an extent of about ten to twenty degrees celsius.

We all know that dinosaurs were essentially reptiles and thus cold-blooded. The sudden drop in the temperaturemust have had effect in the internal systems of the dinosaurs to an unimaginable extent. Even now, in our city, in winters we see that common wall lizards seem to totally disappear due to their cold blooded Reptile nature and inability to adapt to change in temperature beyond the optimum levels. This is bound to have had an immense advense effect on the health of the dinosaurs, who slowly but surely had walked down to deep upon teh road of extinction to be saved. Ever.

This theory also explains how quite a few species survived this incident and helped in maintaining life on the planet. This principle is the same as the principle according to which man has survived two ice ages and has the ability to survive the next one too. Being warm-blooded the ancestors of today's mammals, though being pushed to their limits, survived by ADAPTING to the situation until the conditions improved. I would like to thank them today for hanging on and making this post possible. I am sure Abhijit would also like to thank his Great-Great-Great-(add in a few million greats)-Grandparents who were giraffes for his height. So would Rijul like to thank his Great-Great-(a few million greats)-Grand Parents who were Elephants.


Blogger ishaan said...

no thats not what happened
the coolest guy in class decided to have his kind of fun
all the dinosaurs got some disease
and they died

Sat Dec 10, 11:29:00 pm

Blogger ishaan said...

and hes getting the nobel for it today
peace prize

Sat Dec 10, 11:30:00 pm

Blogger Manas said...

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Sun Dec 11, 05:58:00 pm

Blogger Manas said...

teh and bah.

Sun Dec 11, 06:02:00 pm

Blogger nobrains said...

er...minor clarification here...

1. this theory is not YOURS
2. the theory had been widely accepted but incidentally had a number of logical flaws such :

such an event would lead to the extinction of all forms of life , especially the autotrophic forms wiz. plants, since the sun was blocked out

also, the magnitude of the damage, in this case, the area covered by the meteorite would not be large enough to affect the entire planet's dinosaur population.

Thu Dec 15, 11:03:00 pm


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