What is Public Memory?
Well, sixty days ago, there were protests demanding the axing of Ganguly from the Indian Cricket team over his slackening performance. Somehow, he was dropped and luckily for him, he regained his form and thanks to some aggresive Kolkata protestors including Abhijit Das, Mr Arani Bakshi and one particular Khullar (whose mother was a Chatterjee) whose article I read in the newspaper, he was back in the team. He scored a measly 40 &39, but was dropped. His Kolkata freak fans saw that it was better than what Gambhir scored (who regained his spot in Ahmedabad, while Ganguly was dropped), and they aroused a sympathy waves in the country stronger than the relief efforts for last years' tsunami. Well he's back now in his team though his roller coaster ride is far from over. Who knows what path the 'great public opinion' will take over the next few months. Meanwhile I can just say, Congrats Abhijit and Mr Bakshi and the (possibly?) distant relative of Mr Cooler.
Tue Dec 27, 10:01:00 am
Tue Dec 27, 11:16:00 am
so me back from iim a .
anyways, on ganguda, he even missed the ranji game when secured a position in the squad .
Ras bhare Racing Rasgullas!!!!!practice kaise kare ga? akthar pehli bowl pe waapas india bhej dega da ko.
Tue Dec 27, 01:55:00 pm
whose mother was a Chatterjee
Dude,dont resort to personal attacks atleast.
Tue Dec 27, 08:35:00 pm
BTW that was supposed to be his Bengal connection, not a personal attack.
And was that Mr Rohit asking me not to make personal attacks (hmm spy photographer)
Tue Dec 27, 08:45:00 pm
when did i say i support ganguly??
Wed Dec 28, 02:07:00 pm
abhijit supports mohun bagan
Wed Dec 28, 03:26:00 pm
The very fact that you are Bengali means you are a Ganguly fan. Call that prejudice but here you are...
Wed Dec 28, 10:26:00 pm
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Thu Dec 29, 09:38:00 pm
yes yes infact i have a green and maroon jersey with me that I keep in a swiss bank safe
Thu Dec 29, 09:40:00 pm
darn how cud i forget, now i have it somewhere safer
Thu Dec 29, 09:40:00 pm
in a chappal box under ur bed????
Sat Dec 31, 10:43:00 am
Abhijit is these days boycotting Chappals in protest against you know who...
Sat Dec 31, 12:41:00 pm
Sat Dec 31, 08:56:00 pm
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