Why did God give us agility If not to evade responsibility

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Thought for the year

1. Practice makes a man perfect.

2. Noone's perfect.

Inference---- Practice can't make a man perfect.

So Why Practice?


Blogger ishaan said...

and i am noone

Tue Feb 07, 09:48:00 pm

Blogger Manas said...

Are you a person who abides by this, Vansh. Eh?

Wed Feb 08, 10:32:00 pm

Blogger ishaan said...

blog has 1776 hits

Wed Feb 08, 10:41:00 pm

Blogger Bharat said...

maria sharapova is so square root of 1+(tan C.tan C)

Thu Feb 09, 10:30:00 am

Blogger Manas said...

she sure is sec C.

Thu Feb 09, 02:42:00 pm

Blogger Tejas said...

prove that square root of 1+(tanc.tanc)=sec c=Wimbledon in the kitty

Thu Feb 09, 10:20:00 pm

Blogger Tejas said...

And a clarification: the cross border immigrant is actually from Nepal, and the polluting post is recent. (No offence to Nepal as such)

Thu Feb 09, 10:22:00 pm

Blogger ishaan said...

and he is sherpa teja pratap singh deoba
winner of the all nepal bahadur sherpa medal and the tenzing yesgay medal for outstanding achievement in the field

Thu Feb 09, 10:26:00 pm

Blogger Tejas said...

Oh really I thought his name was Lal Bahadur Ihasana Chug-Dooba

Thu Feb 09, 10:55:00 pm

Blogger Rohit said...

yeah thanks for clarifying...sherpa

Fri Feb 10, 04:12:00 am

Blogger ishaan said...

the blog has 1829 hits
it is a truly fascinating number
it is the only numbur which can be expressed as the sum of 1227 and 602 and as (305 * 6)-1 and if that is not enough it can also be expressed as the quotient when 1713773 is divided by 937

Fri Feb 10, 10:11:00 pm

Blogger ishaan said...

and amazingly this number is so beautiful that it is the only number in the whole universe which can be expressed as not only 31* 59 but also 59 * 31

math is a wonderful thing math is a really cool thing

Fri Feb 10, 10:16:00 pm

Blogger vansh said...

its so beautiful sirrrrrrr...
such a beautiful observation sirrrr...
is there some equation to find this out on its own sirrrrrrr...
i hope to participate from tokyo next yr sirrrrrr...

Sat Feb 11, 09:40:00 am

Blogger Tejas said...

Cerebellum, Medulla and Bons,
Bangla, Bihari and Nepali,
Fascinating observation.

Sat Feb 11, 12:08:00 pm

Blogger ishaan said...

but studnet first of all you must have a circle of radius E on the right side of your head

Sat Feb 11, 05:51:00 pm

Blogger nobrains said...


Thu Feb 16, 02:00:00 pm


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