Why did God give us agility If not to evade responsibility

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Learning How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

Yeah that's the news, I have learnt how to dismantle an atomic bomb.
Now U 2 can dismantle an atomic bomb:

1. Vertigo: Never dismantle an atomic bomb if you have vertigo. Mostly atomic bombs are thrown through bombers in the sky and if you do not like to be high up you can forger about it.

2. Miracle Drug: Even for professionals, dismantling an atomic bomb requires a miracle drug. Always keep it handy and hope for the best.

3. Sometimes You Can't Make it on Your Own: Yeah team effort is always more reliable than a solo effort. Sometimes you just can't dismantle an atomic bomb without support.

4. Love and Peace or Else: there is going to be an atomic bomb you'll have to dismantle sooner or later. Thus pay close attention to all I am saying now.

5. City of Blinding Lights: will be the result of a Nuclear Fusion bomb explosion which generates large amounts of lights. Always try to prevent such a situation.

6. All Because of You: I am telling you all this stuff. Otherwise you will be at danger of not being able to disamantle the atomic bomb in a timely manner.

7. A Man or a Woman: may perform the job of dismantling the atomic bomb as long as they are physically-fit, mentally alert and emotionally sound individuals with certain elementary knowledge.

8. Crumbs From Your Table: have to disposed. A fried meal is always harmful before dismantling an atomic bomb. It makes you lethargic.

9. One Step Closer: to dismantling the atomic bomb you are, after reading this short message.

10. Origin of the Species: of Homo Sapiens was not to destroy the world with atomic bombs. These bombs may cause mutation in genes resulting in the origin of a new and useless species with diseases and defects.

11. Yahweh: Consult the Harvard Professor for Religious Symbology for further information.

Au Revoir



Blogger vansh said...

u2 know abt dismantling an atomic bomb?

Thu Jan 19, 06:17:00 pm

Blogger Manas said...

I like maddox's go on U2 better.

Thu Jan 19, 08:32:00 pm

Blogger Rohit said...

The US cant even get close to check the uranium enrichment sites in Iran-->Vansh go do it![cough]

Thu Jan 19, 08:34:00 pm

Blogger ishaan said...

so u guys ever broken ur back while climbing a hill or a mountain

Fri Jan 20, 04:05:00 am

Blogger Unknown said...

ya ppl, i loved the pixel effect which ankit had on his blog... so its here

Sat Jan 21, 12:16:00 am

Blogger Unknown said...

but u need to use IE to view it... mozilla doesnt support it

Sat Jan 21, 07:44:00 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

you too know abt dismantling an atomic bomb ?

Sun Jan 22, 09:51:00 pm

Blogger ishaan said...

oye tejas the tejas
similarity sign remove kar aur approximation sign daal 14558 ke vahan

Tue Jan 24, 01:06:00 am

Blogger nobrains said...

sorry for the off topic comment, but i thought u guys might be knowing the rmo results which came out some time back...
do u ppl have the list/web link for accessing it? try n post it if u can...or mail me at akshay.nobrains@gmail.com

Sat Jan 28, 01:07:00 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

hi akshay,
the results are NOT online but u can call Amitabh Tripathy, the coordinator @ 26591486 (O), 26896831 (R);

Me n 1 more guy from our skool hv qualified for INMO from X in delhi.

Sat Jan 28, 08:26:00 pm

Blogger nobrains said...

thanks anant. congrats fr qualifying...

so there are just 2 guys frm 10th in delhi who have qualified??

n btw whos the second one??

Sun Jan 29, 11:49:00 am


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