Why did God give us agility If not to evade responsibility

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Former Administrator Tops School

DISCLAIMER: The author does not intend to hurt the feeling of any individual/organism/section of society.The author would also like to congratulate Mr Anant Jain who happens to be one of the author's friends on his brilliant performance in The CBSE Class X Results. But there may be some humor at his cost in this post. So if you are Anant Jain, you may skip the post if you feel you may be offended. If you do not, or you aren't Anant Jain, you may read on...

The IX-A Exun Club V2.0 aka Ze Oldeste Blog in Historie aka La Blogge Ancienne added another prominent distinction as former administrator and once Iraninan Chipmunk, Mr Anand Jane topped DPS Rk Puram with 97.4%. Here is what he said to Mr Nippon Jane in a recent exclusive interview, just preceding the results.

NJ: How do you feel about the results?
AJ: I am very excited. I think I will top.
NJ: Such confidence, such intellitgence. But how do you know it will be you and not me. You know I got the picture in the SSt picture wrong, but I am sure I will still get 100 in SSt as marks are being given.
AJ: To top you need class. Which is not obtained by eating just glucose biscuits like Parle-G, but also porridge, khichdi, tinda, karela nad other helathy foods.(NJ singing:Bop Bop Bop Sar Sar Sar)
NJ: You know what I am joining a tuition. You must come too.
AJ: No, I am to cool for tuitions.
NJ: Aayega ya maar maar ke le jaaon?
AJ: OK I will come, but you will have to give me 1000 rupees plug get ten slaps, if I get over 97.5%
NJ: And vice versa if you get under 97%.
AJ: Sure.
NJ: Thank you for co-operating.

Later just after he obtained his results he gave an exclusive interview to IX-A Exun Club Administrator Mr Manhas Gaurav.

MG: Congratulations on your brilliant performance.
AJ: Yeah I am very happy. I would like to thank (blah blah) and last but not the least Nippon, for the tuition he took me to and Vidyamandir for Math Genii.
MG: Will you tell us the secret of your brilliant performance?
AJ: Let us keep that a secret only. But did I mention somthing about Vidyamandir Maths tuitions?
MG: Do you think your spectacle have anything to do with your result?
AJ: Of course, having for eyes is always better than having just two. I was able to spot small tricks that examiners incorporate in the questions with the help of my extra two eyes.
MG: There are allegations that you sometimes talk to Mr Akshay Kumar Singh (who sits in front of you during the exam).
AJ: That's rubbish of course. But a bit of sign language never hurts.
MG: How fo you plan to celebrate this remarkable achievemnt.
AJ: I guess I'll treat the whole school, especially Mr Tejas with as many pizzas as they want.
MG: Thank you for your co-operation.


Blogger Raghav said...


Sun May 28, 06:33:00 pm

Blogger Manas said...

anant send a cheque of rs 2000 o the admins. we have made u famous and kept our part of the deal. hurry!

Sun May 28, 07:02:00 pm

Blogger Rohit said...

Congrats Anant for toping!

Tue May 30, 09:24:00 am

Blogger Unknown said...

ah, ya, thanx a lot, i was outta city since sunday ... n nice humor with loads of useless stuff ...

PS: I surely expected marks like this but not the fact that others won't get higher than mine ...

Tue May 30, 04:37:00 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

Who the hell kicked me out of this adminship?

I'd like to say just one word to that person - "Thanx"

Wed May 31, 11:17:00 am


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